
This time I had no problems at the border, Georgian and Armenian customs officers were polite and correct. The road rose fast to reach more than 2000 meters at some places, and the landscape became a bit like in Switzerland. After a while I could see Mt Ararat, symbol of Yerevan, although situated in Turkey.

Yerevan is not a very nice city, but full of life, a bit Mediterranean style.  There are lots of people in the streets, many parks and terraces with live music.

The second day, I drove along lake Sevan, visited an ancient cemetery (13th) and one of the many monasteries in this country. Armenia was the first country in the world to become officially Christian, in 301.

Armenians are nice people and very proud of their history. Some famous Armenians are: Charles Aznavour, the composer  Khatchatourian (Sabredance) and….. Cher ! ( Cherilyn Sarkisian La Pierre)


Then I entered the lower Caucasus Mountains with many alpine cols, some reaching more than 2400m.

My second night was in a ugly hotel in a ugly city, Kapan. It is like being back in Soviet era. Here I met a young man who lost all his family by war 2 years ago, and now works in the building sector for just 1 $ a day.

Tomorrow I will enter Iran.


Now it is official: I am on the Silk Road
