
Today was a transition day, there is nothing to say, except that I am still p…..g blood L

So, let me tell you about man’s best friend: The dog

Dogs and cyclists are not the best friends.

I see lots of dogs on my way.

The first category of them is not dangerous. I see 2 to 3 of them every day. They are dead. Killed by a car or a truck driver. Maybe these guys do it even on purpose.

In the next category are the lonesome, thin and strolling ones. Generally they fear men and run away.

Then comes the category of those who are in charge of watching on isolated houses or farms. They are quite aggressive. Normally they are chained.


Not always

When they run free starts the sporty part of our encounter. Here I can show how polyvalent I am:

1: Start sprinting like an Olympic champion

2: Start screaming like a total idiot

3. Pointing my Dazer at them,

4: Pray that all these combined will work.

So, what’s a Dazer? It is an ultra-sound transmitter. Man cannot hear these sounds, but dogs can. And it hurts their ears.  And it stops them. (Says the prospectus)

Well, so far it worked, although most of the time the dogs stop only 2 -3 meter s away from me. Quite thrilling, believe me!

And then I have three questions, dear mister Dazer producer:

1: What shall I do when there are 9 dogs running at me? (See picture)

2: What happens when the battery of my Dazer is dead? (Remember I cannot hear the sound)

3: What happens when the dog, who is about to kill me, is deaf?

To be followed….

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They are not all so cute as this puppy

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