
I passed 16 countries so far:, 5 more to come:

Luxembourg, France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey.

Wild camping: 3, otherwise normal camping, invited by friends, guesthouses or hotel. 2 rest days.

3499km, 1 flat tire (only), 1 broken bag fixing, 1 broken mirror, 2 broken kickstands, 1 broken spoke.
Otherwise, my bike was doing fine, the trailer as well, although it tended to ondulate with strong side-wind

Total elevation so far: 26690m highest point 1800m

Highest daily average speed: 25,06 km/h in Bulgaria
Lowest daily average speed: 13,07 km/h in Albania

Longest distance in one day: 156 km

Temperature ranging between 8 and 43 degrees

Two knock-downs: 1st in Bulgaria by a van,, 2nd in Istanbul by a taxi. Twice I was lucky: Scratches only

One arrest: In Kosovo by Greek military who did not appreciate when I took photos from their camp.

Bike service in Istanbul Hotel.jpg


Servicing my bike in my Istanbul hotel room