
I slept 14 hours and this did me really good. The medication worked as well; I am not leaking anymore. This morning I hesitated whether I should continue, or rest for one more day, but I was too furious against myself. My body dropped me, and I hate that. So I decided to go on. But despite a very cautious start I noticed very soon that I was still very weak, and I had to take a lot of  breaks to rest. But I achieved what I wanted: It was dark already when I stopped in Bucak, but my odometer showed 106 km! This is what I wanted, no matter how long it took.

Tomorrow, there will be 80 km only till Antalya, where I intend to stay for one or two days. I must say that after one week in the Anatolian mountains, I am a bit fed up, and I am longing to see the Mediterranean Sea again.

Meantime I cycled 4000 km (4126 exactly) my bike is doing fine, no problems at all. I really like my Rohloff speed hub by now. I am faster than with my trailer, but I also carry a lot less weight. The way I travel now, with luggage at the front and back of my bike, makes it more stable than before. Going uphill is much easier than I expected. The disadvantage is that, due to the additional weight on my front fork, I cannot react so fast anymore. This can be a problem when I have to avoid broken glass, or other cutting objects.

Station essence avec mosquee web.jpg

There is a mini mosque in each petrol station from this brand!